Jay-Z’s Magna Carta Holy Grail [New Album]

Jay-Z’s Magna Carta Holy Grail [New Album]

Jay_Z_magna-Carta_Holy_Grail_downloadJay-z’s Much Anticipated Album Magna Carta Holy Grail is due to drop in 2 days and already the album is GUARANTEED to go platinum. In his own words Jay basically “We Need To Write The New Rules” and already he’s living up to this statement by pulling a marketing trick out his hat that forces RIAA To Change their Policy. In light of Samsung purchasing a million digital copies of Jay-Z’s Magna Carta Holy Grail, the RIAA has decided to change their certification policy which means that Jay’s upcoming album is already Officially Platinum even though it hasn’t dropped as yet.

For an artist like Jay-Z, this is perfect. He cuts out the middleman and gets paid upfront. Not to mention, no leaks neither. “Bullshit with rap if you want, muthafuckas.


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